

Quality management toolkit for irrigation

Development of a toolkit to support and guide processing QM to implement irrigation projects and its users manual and train professionals

Water for Food International Forum

Creating fertile ground for innovation in agricultural water management.

New book on wastewater re-use in Latin America and the Caribbean

This book will help guide such efforts by making valuable information available to a wide audience

Times of India: 73% of land in state flood prone

Stephanie Leder & Panchali Saikia together presented a paper which dwelt on "feminization of agriculture" because of the rural to urban out-migration of men

Land and Water Investment in the Eastern Nile basin

IWMI’s particular role on the project has been related to preparing papers for two publication.

World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought 2016

View our photo essay exploring how IWMI research contributes to soil conservation and the restoration of degraded land in Africa and Asia.

India’s Climate Challenge

Innovation in water-use can build community resilience

OutBreakNewsToday.com: Researchers link African dams to malaria, predict new construction will lead to more disease

For decades there has been a demonstrable connection between dams in Africa and an increase in the parasitic disease, schistosomiasis.

Not so quiet on the wetting front

A new irrigation technology is helping Ethiopian farmers assess crop water requirements