In the media
Delhi’s severe water crisis: Political stalemate continues
IWMI Deputy Country Representative in India Shilp Verma on the immediate course of action required to mitigate the crisis.
In the media
Delhi water emergency
IWMI's Shilp Verma is interviewed on India Today about the water crisis in India's metro cities.
Migration, displacement and water-related challenges in Adamawa State, Nigeria
Findings from a survey of 400 households in 20 communities show the strain on water and other resources.
In the media
Water for a safe, just and sustainable future
Mark Smith spoke live on Al Jazeera English about water scarcity, climate change and potential solutions.
In the media
Sewage water turns into drinking water
Henry Roman shares deeper insight into the problem and its possible solutions.
In the media
The multiple challenges from climate change, urbanization and forced displacement in Irbid Governorate, northwest Jordan
IWMI research will support evidence-based design and the implementation of the Jordanian climate adaptation policy.
In the media
How to harvest water from clouds of fog
IWMI's Deputy Director General, Rachael McDonnell, spoke to NPR's Goats and Soda about fog harvesting, a traditional technique that is now being expanded.
Water: Amplifying impact through the CGIAR Initiative on One Health
Globally, the health of water is affected by various water users and pollution sources including cities, towns, crops, livestock and industries.
How smarter water management can help strengthen food security for the 500 million people who call the Nile Basin home
A recently completed study conducted by IWMI presents scenarios where water can be used sustainably and efficiently for cultivating crops.
Four ways IWMI is using water to advance climate adaptation and mitigation around the world
During COP26 and beyond, IWMI will continue to advance a wide range of water-focused climate solutions and develop a diverse set technical, policy, and financial tools.
Declining data quality threatens water resources management in the Lake Tana sub-basin
Through the FLAIR project in the Lake Tana sub-basin, IWMI is supporting the way data is generated by measuring water diversions at selected schemes.
Three months of floods, or nine months of drought
An intense monsoon season in Pakistan means the country’s food system faces the challenge of both extreme floods and extended droughts.
Thinking Hydrologically
Water is running out in Central Asia. New approaches to water regulation, energy production, and agricultural education are necessary to be able to feed the region.
How hybrid water law can transform water access in southern Africa
In rural southern Africa, hybrid water law is a tool for social justice and environmental stewardship.
Press releases
Ahead of UN Summit consensus that action on water critical to transforming food systems
The Food Systems Summit Global Dialogue; Water – the Game-changer for Food Systems has concluded with consensus that water has unmatched utility to support the necessary transformation of food systems.
Press releases
Innovations and smart water technologies key to food systems transformation in Central Asia
Creating the food systems that people want & need across Central Asia will depend in part on how water is managed under climate uncertainty.
Water’s Fundamental Truths – for One CGIAR and Beyond
Water scarcity is growing. While water is finite, demand for it grows along with population, the water intensity of diets, and the broader water demands of the economy.
Morocco’s decision to publish drought maps could benefit the whole MENA region
The hope is that the technology will be routinely used across MENA in drought management, helping to strengthen resilience to climate change, promote accountability and transparency, and inform scarcity management in arid watersheds.
Everything you need to know about water and migration
Often, migration is a development problem being solved by people using their own agency, and this should be better reflected in policy responses at all levels.
Moroccan farmers grapple with drought during Covid
IWMI is launching an AI-powered seasonal rainfall forecasting tool, developed in partnership with Johns Hopkins University and funded by USAID.
Modernizing wastewater treatment in Sri Lanka
Working across South Asia to identify applied technologies and business models to sustain water and sanitation systems.
Change in behaviour needed for improved drought management in Jordan and the MENA region
Adopting water-saving technology is not enough on its own to stem groundwater depletion in the MENA region.
In the media The developing world’s water crisis has arrived
A study across 15 cities in South Asia, Africa and South America shows that water is inaccessible and unaffordable.
Water security for sustainable dryland development
The search for options to boost water productivity
In the media
UN Official Review of Progress on SDG 6: Webcast of remarks by IWMI Director General Claudia Sadoff
Addressing the particularly complex targets concerning water scarcity as well as sustainable and equitable water management.
In the media
TheDiplomat: The Impact of Migration on Water Scarcity in Central Asia
What does male migration have to do with water scarcity in Central Asia?
In the media
MIT Technology Review: Is Pakistan running out of fresh water?
The sight of water flowing from taps may soon be a luxury, with people having to queue up at tankers for just a bucket load of water for their daily needs.
In the media Over and under the pond
Another World Water Day passed this week. And around the world, including here in Nepal, water scarcity is a problem that is being increasingly exacerbated due to climate change.
UN Chronicle: Coming to grips with water security in the face of climate change
How people in high-risk areas of Africa and Asia can come to grips with water security in the face of climate change.
IWMI Research Report – 169: Beyond ‘More Crop per Drop’: Evolving thinking on agricultural water productivity
This Research Report chronicles the evolution of thinking on water productivity in the research agenda of IWMI.
New monitoring system maps Bundelkhand drought
The Central Indian region of Bundelkhand is currently experiencing severe drought.
Press releases
Bundelkhand droughts becoming more frequent
(NEW DELHI. 17 December 2015) The severe drought in Bundelkhand is likely to become a more regular occurrence according to scientists at the International...