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aditi mukherji

Cause and Effect | ‘Scientist’s job isn’t to negotiate, but to give evidence to govts’: Aditi Mukherji, IWMI

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, convened for a four-day session on Tuesday to begin the next round of what is known as the assessment cycle.

The Third Pole: Opinion: In the worst April heatwave in history, South Asia must demand these urgent climate actions

When heatwaves disrupt our children’s education, it is time to demand climate action. I am writing this as a climate scientist and a mother of two young children.

Smithsonian Magazine: U.N. Climate Change Report Calls for Urgent Action

Humans will need to cut greenhouse gas emissions nearly in half by 2030 to prevent the most catastrophic effects of global warming, according to a new report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

UN report drives home ‘insufficient’ global climate action

Rising temperatures, natural disasters and irreversible ecosystem degradation are becoming increasingly life-threatening for humans and nature all over the world, top scientists warned in a major new report released Monday by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

The Himalayan Times: Subsidised solar irrigation pumps: Not benefitting needy farmers

A survey conducted by the International Water Management Institute found that more than 40 per cent of the farmers received solar pumps for free.

News Break: Farmers accidentally created a flood-resistant ‘machine’ across Bangladesh

To control unpredictable water and stop floods, you might build a dam. To build a dam, you generally need hills and dales—geographic features to hold water in a reservoir.

New Scientist: Farmers in Bangladesh pump so much water it may help reduce floods

Millions of smallholder farmers in Bangladesh pump huge amounts of groundwater for irrigation, helping to triple the country’s rice production and possibly mitigate floods during monsoon season.

Popular Science: Farmers accidentally created a flood-resistant ‘machine’ across Bangladesh

To control unpredictable water and stop floods, you might build a dam. To build a dam, you generally need hills and dales—geographic features to hold water in a reservoir.

Climate change is hurting India’s rice crop

Aditi Mukherjee explained that, with extreme weather events affecting cropping patterns, growers need to be equipped with new farming methods.

Asia News Network: Climate change impact: 14.8 million to be at risk of hunger by 2030

Climate change will put about 14.8 million people at risk of hunger by 2030, says Global Food Policy Report-2022.

DW TV: IWMI’s Aditi Mukherji speaks to DW News about climate change and its impact on India’s water cycle

India's monsoon season has been slow to start this year, but now rains have covered the entire country.

Is India becoming too hot to live in?

Aditi Mukherji and other experts share their thoughts on climate and water trends in the country.

Down to Earth: No relief in sight: Northwest India to swelter till July, say experts

The north-western parts of India, which have suffered the most due to heatwaves in the past three months, may not get respite from the sweltering heat till July, according to experts.

Science News: Farmers in India cut their carbon footprint with trees and solar power

In 2007, 22-year-old P. Ramesh’s groundnut farm was losing money. As was the norm in most of India (and still is), Ramesh was using a cocktail of pesticides and fertilizers across his 2.4 hectares in the Anantapur district of southern India.

Carbon pollution pushed environmental breakdown to record levels in 2021

People have warped the climate so much that in 2021 four critical measures of planetary health broke records. Oceans grew hotter, higher and more acidic than ever documented, said the World Meteorological Organization.

Fodors: India Is Experiencing a Brutal Heatwave. Here’s Why It Matters to You

All through April, the India Meteorological Department tweeted warnings of heatwaves in the country, mostly in the northern states.

CBC: What happens in India doesn’t stay in India. Why this deadly heat wave has a wide reach

On December 29, 1972, mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz presented a talk at the 139th meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C.

Telegraph India: UN report bares climate risks for Kolkata beyond 2040

A UN report on climate change that sounded a “dire warning about the consequences of inaction” over climate change has highlighted several concerns for cities like Kolkata.

CNBC: Climate change threatens agriculture, food production in India: UN body report

Global warming conjures up images of glaciers melting, sea levels rising and forests disappearing.

Clean Technica: IPCC 6 Shows A “Criminal Abdication Of Leadership,” Says UN Secretary General

The latest IPCC 6 report is 3500 pages long, so you might want to grab a beverage before you begin reading it.

Carbon Brief: Scientists react: What are the key new insights from the IPCC’s WG2 report?

A large share of adaptation responses, particularly in the agriculture sector, also involve water.

NY Times: These Climate Scientists Are Fed Up and Ready to Go on Strike

In India, “local governments are desperately looking for data and information,” said Aditi Mukherji, an I.P.C.C. author based in Kolkata.

Japan Times: Global warming is outrunning efforts to protect human life, U.N. reports says

The breakneck speed of global warming exceeds the pace of efforts to protect billions of vulnerable people, according to a new report released Monday by the world’s top climate scientists.

Financial Post: Global Warming Is Outrunning Efforts to Protect Human Life, Scientists Warn

The report warns of a growing mismatch between rising temperatures and slow, fragmented efforts to adapt, leaving little time for catching up before “a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity” is sealed shut.

Hindustan Times: Stream flows declining in river basins, affecting agriculture: IPCC author

Stream flows have declined in many river basins while extreme rainfall events, as well as dry spells, are likely to increase in India during the next few years.

Fortune: Bombshell climate report warns window to secure a livable future is closing

The breakneck speed of global warming exceeds the pace of efforts to protect billions of vulnerable people, according to a new report released Monday by the world’s top climate scientists.

The Third Pole: How do we adapt to an intensified water cycle?

Crucial messages from coordinating lead author of the water chapter in the just-released IPCC report explain how we adapt to an intensified water cycle.

Latest IPCC report highlights how climate change is causing extreme events and exacerbating risks of floods and droughts

All components of the hydrological cycle have been impacted by human-induced climate change, and the way we use our land and water has, in turn, also intensified the impacts.

Cyclone Amphan and Covid-19 the recipe for a cascading disaster

In the immediate aftermath of Amphan, access to clean water for drinking and sanitation is of paramount importance.

Merchants of Thirst

Away from Nepal, in other water-impoverished megacities, authorities have proved that seemingly intractable shortages can be addressed, or at least somewhat allayed, while reining in private tankers.

AsiaTimes.com: The developing world’s water crisis has arrived

A study across 15 cities in South Asia, Africa and South America shows that water is inaccessible and unaffordable.