Growing the use of real-time digital tools for smarter vegetable farming
The FRESH Initiative, in collaboration with the ClimBeR initiative, is providing Sri Lankan farmers with climate information and agronomic advisories straight to their mobile phones.
Satisfying the growing need for water storage: the role of sand dams in an integrated storage frameworkÂ
More than 2 billion people currently live in water-stressed countries, and approximately 4 billion people experience water scarcity at least one month per year.
Press releases
Agriculture climate science in Zambia gets boost with launch of new World Bank-backed grant
The World Bank and IWMI will rapidly scale climate science to support agri-business in Zambia, tackling the climate challenge head on through the new AICCRA-Zambia Accelerator Grant.
With COP26 around the corner, explore how a proactive approach to drought management could help Southern Africa
With proper preparedness, drought doesn’t have to be such a killer. But being prepared means being proactive rather than responding to crises.
Four ways IWMI is using water to advance climate adaptation and mitigation around the world
During COP26 and beyond, IWMI will continue to advance a wide range of water-focused climate solutions and develop a diverse set technical, policy, and financial tools.
Climate, water, and poverty reduction – exploring the critical links
We have arrived at a crucial moment that calls upon us to incorporate smarter water management strategies into our longer-term planning.
From livestock to livelihoods: Lifelines through training for rural women in Pakistan
New initiative anticipates that strengthening water governance and management will improve rural livelihoods by increasing incomes for farming households.
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021
It is so important to harness the power of international cooperation to reduce risk and losses from disasters.
Report on polluting effects of commercial banana farming can steer greener policies across the Mekong region
New report makes recommendations aimed at helping authorities limit contamination from pesticides to acceptable levels based on the known risks to environmental and human health.
How water can boost environmental health and biodiversity
As a result of IWMI’s work in the realms of e-flow monitoring and aquifer recharge, water management for rivers and aquifers has been strengthened.
Finding the economic value of irrigation water in the Nile Basin to enhance water saving
A recent study conducted by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) estimated the economic value of irrigation water for major crops in various agricultural systems of the Nile Basin.
Unlocking sustainable finance to drive agricultural research for development
When looking at how to combine traditional development funding with return-oriented private capital, two strategies are gaining more and more traction.
How a new framework can provide flood insurance guidance to millions of farmers
As climate change progresses, insuring millions of farmers against risk from weather shocks offers a means to support food security and reduce nations’ economic losses.
Three months of floods, or nine months of drought
An intense monsoon season in Pakistan means the country’s food system faces the challenge of both extreme floods and extended droughts.
Thinking Hydrologically
Water is running out in Central Asia. New approaches to water regulation, energy production, and agricultural education are necessary to be able to feed the region.
Water’s role in poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs
CGIAR’s new ambitions are defined by a set of impact areas, with water – and therefore water systems science – at the heart of each.Â
Study finds public investment in farmer-led irrigation is more likely to benefit cash-crop cultivators and the wealthy
A recent study by IWMI provides important insights for efforts to expand farmer-led groundwater irrigation (including solar irrigation pumps) in Ethiopia.
How market knowledge is powering Africa’s solar irrigation sector
Data-driven tools are helping solar irrigation companies target their products and services to the right people, in the right way.
How hybrid water law can transform water access in southern Africa
In rural southern Africa, hybrid water law is a tool for social justice and environmental stewardship.
Hi-tech support helps Sri Lanka’s farmers navigate the climate crisis
With access to accurate information, farmers can make informed and timely decisions about investing.
Learning from our mistakes: transforming water management to boost biodiversity
When designing water solutions for communities, IWMI researchers always consider the impact on biodiverse ecosystems.
Water’s Fundamental Truths: Part 2 – Why do we have to manage water as a system?
Water has to be managed as a system, and cannot be effectively managed separately from land, or from its major uses or users, of which agriculture is by far the biggest.
Press releases
Data, funds and dialogue key to water, energy, and food security in a changing climate for Pakistan
A holistic approach and reliable database on water resources and their use across Pakistan is the key to achieving food, water, and energy security in the fifth most climate-vulnerable country in the world.
Water’s Fundamental Truths – for One CGIAR and Beyond
Water scarcity is growing. While water is finite, demand for it grows along with population, the water intensity of diets, and the broader water demands of the economy.
Can adaptive management combat agricultural uncertainty in Ethiopia?
New IWMI findings suggest that adaptive management, a structured approach to decision-making in the face of uncertainty, can help achieve sustainable agricultural transformation.
Choosing the collective: Challenging conventional ideas of women’s leadership
Lessons emerging from our research shows that collectives allow bonding and connections through identities other than gender, enabling significant change in entrenched gender-power relations.
Women in Leadership: behind the scenes
Even in countries where gender norms prevail, women have, and will continue to, forge a path to leadership. With support from organisations like the CGIAR and IWMI, we can continue to equip both men and women with the knowledge and tools to lead.
Everything you need to know about Integrated Water Storage
A new report explains the challenges and the processes needed to improve integrated water storage worldwide.
Water for Food International Forum
Creating fertile ground for innovation in agricultural water management.
Crop irrigation with untreated wastewater, a major health and environmental menace
The use of wastewater to irrigate crops is far more widespread than previously estimated, according to a new study.
In the media Solar irrigation: India’s farmers can sell electricity and save groundwater
At the same time the farmers now have an incentive to economise on their energy as well as water use.
Smallholder irrigation taking root
USAID and Texas A&M team field visit to ILSSI sites in Ethiopia
A happy medium for Ethiopian tomatoes
Locally produced compost bags could help market gardeners