

With COP26 around the corner, explore how a proactive approach to drought management could help Southern Africa

With proper preparedness, drought doesn’t have to be such a killer. But being prepared means being proactive rather than responding to crises.

Climate, water, and poverty reduction – exploring the critical links

We have arrived at a crucial moment that calls upon us to incorporate smarter water management strategies into our longer-term planning.

How water can boost environmental health and biodiversity

As a result of IWMI’s work in the realms of e-flow monitoring and aquifer recharge, water management for rivers and aquifers has been strengthened.

Tapping into Groundwater

In a recent interview, Dr. Villholth spoke more about IWMI’s groundwater program and how events such as World Water Week are important to protecting and managing the resource.

How a new framework can provide flood insurance guidance to millions of farmers

As climate change progresses, insuring millions of farmers against risk from weather shocks offers a means to support food security and reduce nations’ economic losses.

Declining data quality threatens water resources management in the Lake Tana sub-basin

Through the FLAIR project in the Lake Tana sub-basin, IWMI is supporting the way data is generated by measuring water diversions at selected schemes.

Three months of floods, or nine months of drought

An intense monsoon season in Pakistan means the country’s food system faces the challenge of both extreme floods and extended droughts.

Water’s role in poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs

CGIAR’s new ambitions are defined by a set of impact areas, with water – and therefore water systems science – at the heart of each. 

How market knowledge is powering Africa’s solar irrigation sector

Data-driven tools are helping solar irrigation companies target their products and services to the right people, in the right way.

Hi-tech support helps Sri Lanka’s farmers navigate the climate crisis

With access to accurate information, farmers can make informed and timely decisions about investing.

Water’s Fundamental Truths: Part 2 – Why do we have to manage water as a system?

Water has to be managed as a system, and cannot be effectively managed separately from land, or from its major uses or users, of which agriculture is by far the biggest.

Three ways water solutions restore the planet

Many of the threats the world faces involve water, but so do the climate solutions we need to restore our planet.

Mapping Myanmar’s water resources is key to developing sustainable aquaculture and improving nutrition

IWMI’s work will help to ensure that future investments in aquaculture in Myanmar will be sustainable, and able to boost rural livelihoods and nutrition as climate change takes hold.

Morocco’s decision to publish drought maps could benefit the whole MENA region

The hope is that the technology will be routinely used across MENA in drought management, helping to strengthen resilience to climate change, promote accountability and transparency, and inform scarcity management in arid watersheds.

Why the young aspire to leave agriculture behind

Often, migration is an adaptation strategy, and a myriad of factors shape whether a person undertakes a journey to a new city in search of opportunity.

Moroccan farmers grapple with drought during Covid

IWMI is launching an AI-powered seasonal rainfall forecasting tool, developed in partnership with Johns Hopkins University and funded by USAID.

India.Mongabay.com: India’s groundwater crisis, fueled by intense pumping, needs urgent management

Central and southern India appear to be experiencing increasing freshwater stores, likely due to a naturally higher than normal rainfall.

News Release: Kenya’s Tana River Basin Could See a More than 40 Percent Increase in Rainfall Due to Climate Change

The good news is tempered with bad, however, as the study indicates that extreme climate events, especially flooding, will also increase.

Managing the monsoon

Holes in the ground can protect crops from flooding, so why don’t more Indian farmers use them?

Management requires measurement

IWMI installs open source hardware mobile weather stations in Nachchaduwa to increase rainfall data availability and improve tank management.

Irrigated Africa and Asia

New map is most detailed to date.

Bundelkhand droughts becoming more frequent

(NEW DELHI. 17 December 2015) The severe drought in Bundelkhand is likely to become a more regular occurrence according to scientists at the International...

Is small beautiful for Africa’s farmers?

How local solutions to water access could deliver sustainable growth.

Moving beyond boundaries

New training manual supports groundwater management across African borders.

Sri Lanka Develops Cheap Rainfall Forecasting Device

AsianScientist (Mar. 19, 2015) - By Smriti Daniel - Scientists in Sri Lanka have developed mobile weather stations capable of capturing and transmitting near...

Sri Lanka develops cheap rainfall forecasting device

Scientists in Sri Lanka have developed mobile weather stations capable of capturing and transmitting near real-time rainfall data. Equipped with atomic clocks for precise time...

TheIsland: Cheap and easily-buildable mobile weather stations being tested here

When the French scientist Dr. Yann Chemin during a visit to the southern Sri Lanka was trying to protect himself from "being cooked like...

Sri Lankan phone to forecast rain

Scientists in Sri Lanka have developed mobile weather stations to capture and transmit near real-time rainfall data.Equipped with atomic clocks for precise time and...

Sri Lanka develops cheap device to forecast rainfall

Scientists in Sri Lanka have developed mobile weather stations capable of capturing and transmitting near real-time rainfall data. Equipped with atomic clocks for precise time...

Getting the better of bad weather

Why new devices could set alarm bells ringing in the rain.