In the media
Water for a safe, just and sustainable future
Mark Smith spoke live on Al Jazeera English about water scarcity, climate change and potential solutions.
In the media
Sewage water turns into drinking water
Henry Roman shares deeper insight into the problem and its possible solutions.
Wicked water problems: Facing challenges, finding solutions
On World Water Day, IWMI Director General Mark Smith is hopeful about progress for the world’s pressing water challenges.
In the media
Water for peace? First, stop it becoming a weapon of war
What we really need this World Water Day is the international multilateral system to take a stand against weaponising water, writes IWMI's Alan Nicol and Lyla Mehta of the Institute of Development Studies.
Water is an instrument for peace, progress and prosperity
Tackling water security in India requires a multifaceted strategy including individual acts, community involvement, as well as government policies, programs and regulations.
Why worry about groundwater?
Making the invisible visible: A chat with groundwater expert Dr. Karen Villholth, Principal Researcher, IWMI
How groundwater can help us build a more water-secure world
By putting groundwater at the heart of our work, IWMI researchers are paving the way for further climate adaptation and resilience.
Exploring the untapped potential of managed aquifer recharge
As the world spotlights the importance of groundwater throughout 2022, a promising approach for ensuring sustainable use and management of this precious resource is gaining steam.
In the media
Euro News: The planet will ‘dehydrate before it starves’: Why universal access to water is crucial
Having put millions more people at risk of acute hunger, the COVID-19 pandemic has set the stage for a now-or-never year of rethinking the entire system behind food and nutrition.
In the media
Financial Times: Crisis in the Himalayas – climate change and unsustainable development
The disaster last month in India demonstrated the risks from rising temperatures to the eight countries in the region.
In the media
Bangkok Tribune: Strengthening pathways for rights-based livelihood adaptation in Mekong hydropower development
On the occasion of World Water Day on March 22, Diana Suhardiman writes about a “rights-based approach” to Mekong hydropower development that tries to ensure local communities just outcomes, as hydropower development continues to be promoted among the Mekong countries especially in Lao PDR.
Morocco’s decision to publish drought maps could benefit the whole MENA region
The hope is that the technology will be routinely used across MENA in drought management, helping to strengthen resilience to climate change, promote accountability and transparency, and inform scarcity management in arid watersheds.
In the media
Smart Water Magazine: A re-evaluation of water’s values is needed to transform global systems
The theme of this year’s World Water Day on March 22 is ‘Valuing Water’. Water has an intrinsic value – we need it to survive, as do all other organisms in the biosphere. We can call this its survival value.
Three ways great water solutions can address climate change
As the consequences of climate change become a reality for growing numbers of people, water is at the forefront of many of our most pressing issues.
In the media
Economist Intelligence Unit: As the world’s philanthropists boost climate funding, let’s make water a priority
Claudia Sadoff, Director General of IWMI, argues that our efforts to mitigate the impacts of climate change and address food security could be counterproductive if we don’t pay more attention to water and its use.
2020 the Year of #Water4Climate
This year’s World Water Day focuses on water and climate change – and how the two are inextricably linked. Throughout this year IWMI will, through its communications activities, focus on that link and the importance of how best to manage increasingly unpredictable water resources, particularly in the countries where we work.
COVID-19 is a deadly reminder that inclusive water supply and sanitation matters for all of us
Since the COVID-19 crisis escalated, we have been reminded daily that one of the most important precautionary measures we can take to avoid infection – and spreading the virus – is washing our hands.
MENAdrought: Tackling drought in Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco
The main aim of the MENAdrought project is to empower decision-makers across Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco to anticipate, prepare for and mitigate drought impacts in a context of increasing climate change, in order to reduce risks of food and water insecurity.
Food for thought
How farmers in Sri Lanka have taken charge of their destiny by using motor pumps for irrigation.
In the media Dam right: Improving opportunities for reservoir fisheries
Sustainable Development Goal 6 commits the world to ensuring that everyone has access to safe water by 2030, and includes targets on protecting the natural environment and reducing pollution.
In the media Over and under the pond
Another World Water Day passed this week. And around the world, including here in Nepal, water scarcity is a problem that is being increasingly exacerbated due to climate change.
In the media
InDepthNews: UN intensifies the quest for universal access to safe water
UN General Assembly President Miroslav Lajčák underlines the importance of achieving universal access to water and sanitation.
How to keep Africa’s solar irrigation boom from going bust
IWMI researchers underline both the promise and perils of Africa's emerging boom in solar-powered irrigation in a Devex opinion article.
At the World Water Forum 2018
The vital importance of the concept for effective water governance is the key message of a side event being held at the 8th World Water Forum.
In the media The next great water crisis may be under our feet
As the world marks World Water Day, it is clear we need better groundwater governance to avoid the next big crisis
World Water Day and more: Giving nature its due
The theme for World Water Day 2018 is 'Nature for Water' – exploring nature-based solutions to the water challenges we face in the 21st century.
Get on nature’s good side
A New Year's resolution to recognize the benefits of water-related ecosystem services
In the media World Water Day Appreciates Precious Wastewater
Thinking like a business can help make waste management financially attractive and environmentally sustainable.
In the media
Pit latrine maintenance can be a community health problem
Rizwan Ahmed says pit latrine maintenance can be a community health problem.
In the media
From noxious sludge to clean water
Environmental economist Soumya Balasubramanya explains health in Bangladesh could be improved by safely recycling waste.
In the media
So what do you do with the poo in a pit latrine?
Bangladesh has done a great job of getting more toilets to more people. Now it needs to figure out how to empty them.
In the media
Reimagining wastewater economics: a breakthrough in Bangladesh
A proposed scheme would spread payments and make waste collection safe and profitable.