Report on polluting effects of commercial banana farming can steer greener policies across the Mekong region
New report makes recommendations aimed at helping authorities limit contamination from pesticides to acceptable levels based on the known risks to environmental and human health.
At the World Water Forum 2018
The vital importance of the concept for effective water governance is the key message of a side event being held at the 8th World Water Forum.
Rice Today: Mending Asia’s broken rice bowls
A decade of research demonstrates that “citizen science” has a major role to play in curbing ecosystem threats to the Ganges and Mekong River deltas.
In the media
BangkokPost: Region needs innovative water plan
Op-ed in the Bangkok Post by Jeremy Bird, Director General of IWMI, on the need for an innovative water plan in South East Asia.
IWMI signs MoU with the Asian International Rivers Center
The MoU formalizes collaboration between the AIRC and the CGIAR Research Program on Water Land and Ecosystems.
Villages of the Dammed
The 3rd Mekong Forum on Water, Food and Energy is taking place this week in Hanoi, Vietnam. The Forum offers the opportunity for constructive...
Rethinking agriculture in the Greater Mekong
How to sustainably meet food needs, enhance ecosystem services and cope with climate change.