TAG: women

Protecting Ghana’s Water Futures through Citizen Science

Women and youth empowered to foster responsible environmental stewardship in unique demonstration activity.

Menstrual Hygiene Management – a missing piece in the water agenda

Integrating MHM into water-related programming not only enhances the well-being and dignity of women and girls but also contributes to improved health outcomes, increased educational opportunities, and sustainable development at large.

Youth are at the center of transforming the future of water – hear what they have to say

It is essential that young people working in water and science are ‘co-guardians’ of the Transformative Futures for Water Security initiative.

Young researchers who are transforming agri-food systems for rural prosperity

IWMI’s Sidra Khalid and Najeeb Ullah won this year’s Transformative Research Challenge hosted by the World Food Forum.

Voices from Below

In Bihar, India, the existing agriculture inequalities exacerbated by the climate distress has exposed the marginalized farmers especially women sharecroppers and laborers to intersectionality of vulnerabilities by caste, class, geographical location, age, ethnicity, and gender.

Women’s leadership in the Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus in Nepal

Social justice and equity must drive a sustainable approach. Women and disadvantaged groups need equal growth opportunities to become the next generation of Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems Leaders.

Social justice starts with water security for all

Social justice and water security are inextricably linked – for either to be achieved, the other must be considered from the very beginning.

Nafn Amdar: “Mentoring women in science can change the world”

Celebrate International Day for Women and Girls in Science with IWMI, and read more of our recent interview with Nafn Amdar.

Learning and unlearning through role-play

How participatory gender workshops are enabling communities in Nepal

Empowering female farmers through improved access to water technologies

Solar irrigation technology has the potential to empower more than 12 million women farmers across Nepal who constitute the backbone of the country’s farming system.

Agriculture climate science in Zambia gets boost with launch of new World Bank-backed grant

The World Bank and IWMI will rapidly scale climate science to support agri-business in Zambia, tackling the climate challenge head on through the new AICCRA-Zambia Accelerator Grant.

Four ways IWMI is using water to advance climate adaptation and mitigation around the world

During COP26 and beyond, IWMI will continue to advance a wide range of water-focused climate solutions and develop a diverse set technical, policy, and financial tools.

Climate, water, and poverty reduction – exploring the critical links

We have arrived at a crucial moment that calls upon us to incorporate smarter water management strategies into our longer-term planning.

From livestock to livelihoods: Lifelines through training for rural women in Pakistan

New initiative anticipates that strengthening water governance and management will improve rural livelihoods by increasing incomes for farming households.

Report on polluting effects of commercial banana farming can steer greener policies across the Mekong region

New report makes recommendations aimed at helping authorities limit contamination from pesticides to acceptable levels based on the known risks to environmental and human health.

How social accountability tools can improve water service delivery in Nepal

New IWMI report documents and analyzes the implementation of public hearings and public audits in water service delivery.

Three months of floods, or nine months of drought

An intense monsoon season in Pakistan means the country’s food system faces the challenge of both extreme floods and extended droughts.

Thinking Hydrologically

Water is running out in Central Asia. New approaches to water regulation, energy production, and agricultural education are necessary to be able to feed the region.

Building refugee resilience in East Africa through reusing resources

This World Population Day, we explore how refugees can develop resilience with water.

How market knowledge is powering Africa’s solar irrigation sector

Data-driven tools are helping solar irrigation companies target their products and services to the right people, in the right way.

Choosing the collective: Challenging conventional ideas of women’s leadership

Lessons emerging from our research shows that collectives allow bonding and connections through identities other than gender, enabling significant change in entrenched gender-power relations.

Women in Leadership: behind the scenes

Even in countries where gender norms prevail, women have, and will continue to, forge a path to leadership. With support from organisations like the CGIAR and IWMI, we can continue to equip both men and women with the knowledge and tools to lead.

Now more than ever we need women and girls in science

CGIAR and IWMI can help to show women that they too have a role to play when it comes to science, research, engineering and technology.

Changing the way we collect data during Covid

In order to continue researching on gender and water systems, researchers from IWMI-Nepal engaged with local stakeholders through alternative means of data-collection during COVID-19.

Can you hear me? Covid-19 and building women’s resilience in northern Ghana 

Covid-19 has been a major setback. But it could also help encourage new thinking on digital outreach and the necessary soft and hard infrastructure to enable such a transformation.

Why the young aspire to leave agriculture behind

Often, migration is an adaptation strategy, and a myriad of factors shape whether a person undertakes a journey to a new city in search of opportunity.

Rural women are reshaping gender norms in northern Ghana

Understanding how climate, migration, gender roles and Covid-19 affect women and their communities can contribute to well-informed policymaking in the Upper West Region.

The Independent: Unless we empower women farmers, we may not have enough to feed the planet

In an opinion piece in The Independent, IWMI Director General Claudia Sadoff says "Achieving greater gender equality will help to strengthen the resilience of our food systems, revitalize rural economies and enhance rural livelihoods."

International Women’s Day

Translating research evidence into change for gender equality.

How CGIAR research is helping close the global gender gap

A World Economic Forum article by IWMI director general Claudia Sadoff.

Gender solutions for sustainable water management in Western Nepal

IWMI study calls for investment in the social capital and capabilities of women and marginalized people.

International Women’s Day 2017

Revealing hidden truths about women, water and agriculture

A new type of gender training

The activities and discussions within the manual arose from science-based learning theories, with the intent of radically flattening the prevailing top-down communication structures.

Women, empowerment and the SDG targets

Gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment has featured prominently in development discourse for the last two decades and today comprises one of the sustainable development goals.

Floriane Clement

International Women’s Day 2016

Understanding the different perspectives of men and women can help deliver more equitable water access

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