nexus gains

On DRR Day, Sri Lanka talks about inclusion saving lives

Building resilience to climate change and disasters requires bottom-up, community-led response.

Tributary-level cooperation in the Isfayramsai River basin can benefit Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and the Aral Sea

Within the NEXUS Gains Initiative, an IWMI team is focusing on water storage around the Isfayramsai River.

Enhancing the benefits of integrated water storage management in Ethiopia’s Tana-Beles sub-basin

Water storage, both built and natural, can be managed to address competing water demands for food and energy production while sustaining healthy ecosystems.

Women’s leadership in the Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus in Nepal

Social justice and equity must drive a sustainable approach. Women and disadvantaged groups need equal growth opportunities to become the next generation of Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems Leaders.

Exploring the water, energy, food, and ecosystems nexus in the Ganges Basin

Six interesting takeaways from the recent NEXUS Gains Ganges Basin Inception Workshop in Kathmandu.

Why joint consideration of the water, energy, food, and environment sectors matters for gender equality and inclusivity in Nepal

As IWD approaches, CGIAR is launching a new research initiative – NEXUS Gains – that focuses on developing integrated innovations and solutions across the water, energy, food, and environment (WEFE) sectors.

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