Digital Innovations for Water Secure Africa (DIWASA)
Digital Innovations for Water Secure Africa (DIWASA) - Phase 2
International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021
It is so important to harness the power of international cooperation to reduce risk and losses from disasters.
Thinking Hydrologically
Water is running out in Central Asia. New approaches to water regulation, energy production, and agricultural education are necessary to be able to feed the region.
Water’s Fundamental Truths: Part 2 – Why do we have to manage water as a system?
Water has to be managed as a system, and cannot be effectively managed separately from land, or from its major uses or users, of which agriculture is by far the biggest.
Can adaptive management combat agricultural uncertainty in Ethiopia?
New IWMI findings suggest that adaptive management, a structured approach to decision-making in the face of uncertainty, can help achieve sustainable agricultural transformation.
Can citizen science help to fill hydrology data gaps in Ethiopia?
IWMI conducted a qualitative study to investigate the possibilities of embedding a citizen science approach into existing data collection systems.
The road to climate resilience
Enabling rural communities to draw up action plans aimed at enhancing resilience to climate-related hazards through sustainable management of natural resources.
When the climate change news is good and bad
The authors of a new study about climate change impacts in Kenya have both good news and bad for the country’s vital Tana River Basin.
Taking the measure of Ghana’s watersheds
A critical requirement for agricultural intensification.
IWMI researchers visit Far West Nepal research sites
IWMI Nepal is conducting research for a project entitled ‘Watershed Hydrology Impact Monitoring Research’.