HomeTagsSolar-powered irrigation

solar-powered irrigation

Study finds public investment in farmer-led irrigation is more likely to benefit cash-crop cultivators and the wealthy

A recent study by IWMI provides important insights for efforts to expand farmer-led groundwater irrigation (including solar irrigation pumps) in Ethiopia.

How market knowledge is powering Africa’s solar irrigation sector

Data-driven tools are helping solar irrigation companies target their products and services to the right people, in the right way.

Grantees from South Asia awarded funds to develop innovations enhancing solar irrigation

IWMI and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation have awarded five organisations with funds to develop innovations for solar irrigation.

StandardMedia: Smart solar pumps use big data to map water reservoirs

IWMI plans to use the data from Futurepump’s 4,000 pumps to calculate how much water is being extracted at any given time, which can help governments ensure it is used sustainably, with limits on extraction or a shift to less water-intensive crops.

How to keep Africa’s solar irrigation boom from going bust

IWMI researchers underline both the promise and perils of Africa's emerging boom in solar-powered irrigation in a Devex opinion article.

Game-changing water solutions

Realizing the huge potential to bolster water security in the Middle East and North Africa.

A bright future for solar-powered irrigation?

What’s not to like about the idea of using solar-powered pumps to irrigate crops in developing countries?

Shedding light on policy options

Toward sustainable solar-powered pumping of groundwater for irrigation

Bloomberg: U.S. Startup Plans Africa Expansion With Solar Watering Kits

Only about 5 percent of African agriculture is irrigated, according to the International Water Management Institute. In Tanzania, for example, the government says it has a 6.8 trillion-shilling ($3.1 billion) irrigation funding gap.