

Land degradation assessment in the Ethiopian Rift Valley

Local-Level Land Degradation Assessment Towards Sustainable Land Management for Improved Livelihood in the Ethiopian Rift Valley

Study on gender analysis on climate in the context of recovery from the economic crisis in Sri Lanka

Study on Gender Analysis on Climate in the Context of Recovery from the Economic Crisis in Sri Lanka

Water for Food International Forum

Creating fertile ground for innovation in agricultural water management.

TropiLakes: views and opinions

The event included field visits to IWMI research sites under the LIVES project in Koga and ILSSI project Robit in the Amhara region of Northern Ethiopia.

Playing with policies

Can role-playing support better water management in Nepal?

IWMI Research Report – 159: Climate Change, Out-migration and Agrarian Stress: The Potential for Upscaling Small-scale Water Storage in Nepal

Climate change could have a critical impact on agriculture in Nepal due to dry-season water shortages, and changes in the variability of water availability...