

Thomson Reuters Foundation: The world needs a new water agenda

From major floods in Germany and China last year and eastern Australia this year, to ongoing and prolonged droughts across North and East Africa, the world is confronting a new climate change-induced water reality.

The Third Pole: How do we adapt to an intensified water cycle?

Crucial messages from coordinating lead author of the water chapter in the just-released IPCC report explain how we adapt to an intensified water cycle.

Water’s Fundamental Truths: Part 3 – Is water governance coming of age?

Our planetary water systems involves not just tackling risks and building resilience for human societies, but also assuming greater responsibility towards the planet as a whole.

Five key takeaways from World Water Week 2021

IWMI participated in a record 31 sessions at this year’s virtual event. Here are some of our key takeaways.

Latest IPCC report highlights how climate change is causing extreme events and exacerbating risks of floods and droughts

All components of the hydrological cycle have been impacted by human-induced climate change, and the way we use our land and water has, in turn, also intensified the impacts.

Taking stock of biodiversity and ecosystem services worldwide

Pioneering studies will help policymakers tackle the big issues.