HomeTagsFood insecurity

food insecurity

Climate, water, and poverty reduction – exploring the critical links

We have arrived at a crucial moment that calls upon us to incorporate smarter water management strategies into our longer-term planning.

Three months of floods, or nine months of drought

An intense monsoon season in Pakistan means the country’s food system faces the challenge of both extreme floods and extended droughts.

Water’s role in poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs

CGIAR’s new ambitions are defined by a set of impact areas, with water – and therefore water systems science – at the heart of each. 

Study finds public investment in farmer-led irrigation is more likely to benefit cash-crop cultivators and the wealthy

A recent study by IWMI provides important insights for efforts to expand farmer-led groundwater irrigation (including solar irrigation pumps) in Ethiopia.

Choosing the collective: Challenging conventional ideas of women’s leadership

Lessons emerging from our research shows that collectives allow bonding and connections through identities other than gender, enabling significant change in entrenched gender-power relations.

Salvation for the saturated?

IWMI-led team launches a guide for the perplexed.