

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021

It is so important to harness the power of international cooperation to reduce risk and losses from disasters.

How a new framework can provide flood insurance guidance to millions of farmers

As climate change progresses, insuring millions of farmers against risk from weather shocks offers a means to support food security and reduce nations’ economic losses.

Choosing the collective: Challenging conventional ideas of women’s leadership

Lessons emerging from our research shows that collectives allow bonding and connections through identities other than gender, enabling significant change in entrenched gender-power relations.

IWMI receives the 2020 GEO Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Award

This is in recognition of the Index-Based Flood Insurance (IBFI) product developed by IWMI scientist Dr Giriraj Amarnath.

Solutions for those managing risk in climate disasters

Indian farmers take aim at climate disasters through bundling high-tech solutions.

International Day of Rural Women

Securing rights to water for health, food and income

International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017

With index-based flood insurance the payout should be not only transparent but also much faster.

Maps that matter when flooding strikes

Vital support for the emergency disaster response in Northeast India and Nepal.

Press Release: Satellite based flood insurance product set to be launched in Bihar

Experts meet in Delhi to discuss a new initiative to "future-proof" livelihoods of one million smallholder farmers in South Asia

Migration, water and the trajectory of rural change in South Asia

In large parts of South Asia, a majority of families pursue a dual livelihood strategy, depending on both farming and migrant wage work.

Fraser Sugden

Tenant collectives in North Bihar

A new model for bottom up irrigation and land management for marginal women farmers.

Dr Fraser Sugden, IWMI Nepal