News24: Climate emergency takes its toll on southern Africa as food insecurity looms

The Two Degree Southern African challenge connected science, industry, policy and finance to take the leap forward into a climate-resilient future.

Southern Africa is a climate crisis hot spot and has experienced erratic rainfall and rising temperatures. The recurring droughts and floods are affecting the water, agriculture and energy businesses. They have undermined farmers’ livelihoods, threatening existing crop and livestock systems.

Inga Jacobs-Mata said the Two Degree Southern African challenge connected science, industry, policy and finance to take the leap forward into a climate-resilient future.

This is the backdrop against which the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the USAid Resilient Waters Programme, the Global Commission on Adaptation, the Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture, and Food Security and the World Resources Institute co-hosted the Two Degree Initiative Southern African Challenge this week.

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