Articles published by


Solar irrigation success in Makonde, Zimbabwe

IWMI has a track record for developing affordable, climate-smart irrigation solutions, targeting the context-specific needs of smallholder farmers in the global south.

We need a strategy to manage our water

IWMI's Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee comments on how India, the largest user of groundwater globally, can transition from water scarcity to water security.

Navigating water challenges: Pathways to sustainability in Pakistan

Amjad Jamal discusses IWMI's significant role in Pakistan’s water sector, including key opportunities and potential strategies for overcoming the water crisis.

Living with floods

Pragmatic approaches to flood-resilient lives and livelihoods in Assam.

Opinion: Nepal needs a comprehensive groundwater policy

IWMI's Shreya Chakraborty and Tanmoy Bhaduri discuss groundwater use in Nepal and overlooked issues in policy frameworks.

Mitigating challenges for Southern African agribusiness as new African markets open

IWMI's Inga Jacobs-Mata, Ojong Enokenwa Baa and colleagues discuss the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Trials and troubles of life in Adamawa State, Nigeria – Part Two

IWMI research shows evidence of the life-threatening impact of water scarcity on Internally Displaced Persons and host communities.

On gender and social inclusion in Ghana’s landscape management policies

Addressing the gaps will pave the way for inclusive and sustainable management, benefitting landscapes and communities.