People > Ojongetakah Enokenwa Baa

Ojongetakah Enokenwa Baa

Postdoctoral Fellow - Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) Agribusiness

Research team:

Areas of expertise:

Ojong is a Social Environmentalist with work experience in the fields of Gender, Sociology, Anthropology, International Relations, and Environmental Science. She worked as a Gender Trainer, and Stakeholder Facilitator at KORUMO Coaching for Transformation, South Africa; as a Gender Consultant at the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR); and as a Gender and Livelihood Consultant within the GEF5 Sustainable Land Management Project at Rhodes University. Ojong is based at IWMI’s office in Pretoria, South Africa.

Current Projects
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English and French



Pretoria – South Africa

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