Press Release: Smarter irrigation can help avert water crises

To ensure Har Khet Ko Pani, GoI should emulate irrigation policies followed by Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, say researchers.

(New Delhi, 30 May): As parts of the country struggle to recover from some of the worst droughts in living memory, improved irrigation policies could help avoid such problems in future, as well as boosting food production and farm incomes. India nationally can learn from the radical approaches adopted by Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh which have already shown how better water management can benefit farmers.

That was the message emerging from a policy consultation organised by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) held at the India Habitat Centre today, and attended by, among others, Amarjit Singh, secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, Dr Sandeep Dave. Joint secretary, Neeranchal administration, IWMP and Mr Jeremy Bird, Director General, IWMI.

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