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water law

Customary water tenure: How can recognition and protection be improved?

New research identifies legal pathways for better recognition and protection of customary water tenure in sub-Saharan Africa as well as concrete solutions to improve current water law and water infrastructure development programs.

Water for whom? Realizing contemporary water allocation through age-old customary tenure practices

Ultimately, rights-based water resource allocation may appear to be the most effective to address legal pluralism for poverty alleviation and broad-based agricultural growth.

How hybrid water law can transform water access in southern Africa

In rural southern Africa, hybrid water law is a tool for social justice and environmental stewardship.

TheConversation: Food security in Africa depends on rethinking outdated water law

A new study has found that outdated, colonial-era water permit systems across Africa are unintentionally criminalising millions of small farmers who can’t obtain permits. This undermines efforts to boost farming production and meet economic growth goals.

ReachWater.org.uk: Toward a hybrid approach to water law in Africa

The water rights of up to 100 million African farmers are threatened by laws rooted in colonial times, according to a recent study.

7th Africa Water Week

“Decolonizing” formal water law to pave the way for smallholder irrigation