Initiating research and capacity-building for soil rehabilitation in South Asia

IWMI hosted a stakeholder meeting to inform about the ongoing BMZ funded research project on “Research and capacity-building for soil rehabilitation”

IWMI hosted a stakeholder meeting to inform about the ongoing BMZ (The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany) funded research project on “Research and capacity-building for soil rehabilitation”, on June 21, 2016. This meeting marked the launch of project in Sri Lanka. The event gathered around 30 participants from local ministries, academia, private sector and NGOs.

This research project has been encouraged by several Sri Lankan authorities, e.g. to support RRR development, waste management and the sustainability of the compost sector, and to provide knowledge and curriculum development for business students, entrepreneurs and practitioner’s. The project moves RRR research experiences and knowledge further along the impact pathway and will assist to close critical knowledge gaps for regionally relevant technology transfer. Main goal of the new project is to develop curricula for innovative technologies and investment models that transfer organic waste into organic fertilizer for different soils, crops and climates in South Asia.

IWMI’s Herath Manthrithilake moderated the event. Johannes Paul presented a Brief on IWMI’s research work in RRR and main objectives and framework of the new research project.




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