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Yearly Archives: 2020

Global Environment Facility : Let’s not wash our hands of water...

Access to clean water for washing hands has been the first line of defense during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Citizen science in community-based watershed management: An institutional analysis in Ethiopia

The engagement of communities (non-scientists) in the collection of reliable hydrometeorological data (a citizen science approach) has the potential to address part of the data gaps in Ethiopia.

Can citizen science help to fill hydrology data gaps in Ethiopia?

IWMI conducted a qualitative study to investigate the possibilities of embedding a citizen science approach into existing data collection systems.

News-Letter: Access to water is one of the greatest existential threats...

The event explored the topics of water, food and energy, with environmental scientist Winston Yu as the guest speaker.

Tribune: Soil pollution ravages crop yield

Soil contamination could lead to an increase in cancer and other fatal diseases besides serving a blow of billions of rupees through reduced crop yields to the agrarian provincial economy, an agricultural economy expert told The Express Tribune.
This home garden is part of a conservation agriculture trial that is being run in partnership with IWMI, Bahir Dar University, and the Innovation Lab for Small Scale Irrigation (ILSSI). Photo by Mulugeta Ayene/WLE.

Experts: new thinking and approaches needed to scale up farmer-led irrigation

Scaling up farmer-led irrigation will require not only holistic approaches but also strong partnerships between implementing partners.

Agri Links: How Connecting Innovators and Implementers Can Catalyze Solar Irrigation...

Solar power has the potential to revolutionize water use in agriculture, providing an attractive means for farmers to irrigate their crops.
Sprinkler system used in Eastern Highlands on the Mozambique border to irrigate farms. Photo: David Brazier / IWMI

Africa-wide framework puts agricultural water management high on the agenda

Improving operational costs and financing could spur investment in sustainable agricultural water management practices and technologies.
A farmer with his young turmeric crops in Tamil Nadu, India. Photo: Hamish John Appleby / IWMI

Why food system transformation needs water

On World Food Day, Dr. Mark Smith, Director General of IWMI, explains why effective water management is key to transforming food production.

Spotlight: Can Grid Connected Solar Irrigation Pumps Be The Future Of...

The Government of Nepal has been supporting the promotion and development of Renewable Energy Technologies and accordingly solar energy provisions have been embedded in the overall alternative energy plans and policies in Nepal.