Energy recovery from domestic and agro-waste streams in Uganda: a socioeconomic assessment

Recovering energy from waste offers dual benefits – a) improved waste management, and b) provision of reliable energy to households, institutions and commercial entities. In this report, we present a socioeconomic assessment of three energy business models (briquette manufacturing, on-site (public toilet) energy generation, and agro-waste electricity generation) based on feasibility studies carried out in […]

rrr-9-ptRecovering energy from waste offers dual benefits – a) improved waste management, and b) provision of reliable energy to households, institutions and commercial entities. In this report, we present a socioeconomic assessment of three energy business models (briquette manufacturing, on-site (public toilet) energy generation, and agro-waste electricity generation) based on feasibility studies carried out in the city of Kampala, Uganda. We assess the potential economic, environmental and social impacts of waste-to-energy business models taking into consideration a life cycle of emissions to provide decision makers with the overall costs and benefits of the models to society versus a business-as-usual scenario.


Gebrezgabher, S.; Amewu, S.; Taron, A.; Otoo, M. 2016. Energy recovery from domestic and agro-waste streams in Uganda: a socioeconomic assessment. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). 52p. (Resource Recovery and Reuse Series 9). [doi: 10.5337/2016.207] DOI |  Download (1 MB)




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