Colombo, 30 November. The CGIAR fund council has given a category 1 approval to the Water Land and Ecosystems research program (CRP5). Commenting on the revised proposal, the CGIAR’s Independent Science and Partnership Council said that it, “recognized the fundamental importance and potential of this CRP to fill a critical gap in the CGIAR research for development portfolio.” It went on to remark that, “It is particularly satisfying to learn that the process of revising the document has greatly enhanced cooperation between the major partners in the CGIAR such that there is a genuine sense of common intent and focus.”
CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems
Sustainable management of the natural resource base supporting agriculture is one of the three major strategic objectives of the CGIAR. The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems combines the resources of 11 CGIAR Centers and numerous international, regional and national partners to provide an integrated approach to natural resource management research. This program is led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).
The program focuses on the three critical issues of water scarcity, land degradation and ecosystem services, as well as the CGIAR System Level Outcome (SLO) of sustainable natural resource management. It will also make substantial contributions to the System Level Outcomes on food security, poverty alleviation and, to a minor extent, health and nutrition.