Business Recorder: Empowering women for better water management: Experts call for harnessing society’s untapped potential

Bolstering his viewpoint through statistics, the expert said women constitute almost 50 percent of the population and their employment to population ratio is 20.1 percent as compared to men which is 77 percent.

Moderating the session, IWMI’s country director Dr Mohsin Hafeez talked on the patriarchal nature of Pakistan wherein men are chosen as breadwinners while women are delegated responsibilities as babysitters. Bolstering his viewpoint through statistics, the expert said women constitute almost 50 percent of the population and their employment to population ratio is 20.1 percent as compared to men which is 77 percent. Taking a strong exception to the women’s exclusion from the water sector, Dr Hafeez shared that the committee that recently passed the Sindh Water Act had no women representation.

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