IWMI and FAO are co-hosting a brainstorming workshop on ‘Trends and Transitions in Asian Irrigation: Prospects for the Future’ from 19th to 21st January 2009 at the FAO-RAP office in Bangkok. This workshop is funded by the Asian Development Bank and around 25 experts are attending this workshop. The objective of this workshop is to brainstorm on three interrelated topics: 1. Past trends in irrigation development and their drivers 2. Irrigation management reforms 3. Future scenarios and investment options The workshop is divided into three plenary sessions followed by regional breakout sessions (see Workshop Program). The first two days are dedicated to paper presentations and regional breakout sessions while the third day will focus on brainstorming on the future irrigation investments in Asia. The final anticipated output is an Issue Paper on Asian Irrigation that will help the ADB in prioritizing its irrigation investments in Asia. This paper will be presented at the 5th World Water Forum to be held at Istanbul, Turkey in March 2009.
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Source: http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/