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IWMI at World Water Week 2012

IWMI at World Water Week 2012


August 26, 2012 - August 31, 2012    
All Day

Farmer-led irrigation schemes could transform food security in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia

Study shows potential for smallholder water management innovations to boost crop yields
and household revenue by tens of billions of US dollars

New research sheds light on huge potential of farmer-led innovation in water solutions. Results suggest that water management investment priorities should be reassessed to boost global food security and poverty alleviation.

Media release:
Farmer-led irrigation schemes could alter food security in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia

Synthesis Report of the AgWater Solutions Project:
Water for wealth and food security: Supporting farmer-driven investments in agricultural water management

What the farmers said

Ghanaian farmer
Ghanaian farmer Edward Ahiabor has transformed 8 hectares of unpromising beachside land into a thriving commercial farm using motorised pumps.
Photo: Joe Ronzio
Simple sludge drilling
Groundwater can be used for agriculture even during dry periods.
Photo: IWMI
Petrol and diesel
Petrol and diesel powered pumps give farmers who have no access to electricity an efficient means of lifting water.
Photo: Joe Ronzio
Purushottam Patel
Purushottam Patel, a farmer in Gujarat India, uses biogas from cow dung to run his pump.
Photo: Tushaar Shah
Solar powered pumps
Solar powered pumps like this one in Ethiopia are good option when other sources of power are not available.
Photo: Karen Conniff
Treadle pumps
Treadle pumps like this one in Zambia can double or even treble farm incomes.
Photo: IWMI


IWMI receives the 2012 Stockholm Water Prize

The Stockholm International Water Institute announced that the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) is the 2012 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate. Speaking at a ceremony in Stockholm today, the awarding committee cited IWMI’s extraordinary contribution to the development of “new policies and investments in agriculture that have not only enabled more productive use of water, but have enhanced food security, economic development and environmental health around the world.”

At the award ceremony, Colin Chartres, Director General of IWMI, accepted the prize from King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden on behalf of the institution.

Presentation: The Food and Water Paradox (Colin Chartres)

The Food and Water Paradox

Stockholm launch of new program on Water, Land and Ecosystems

The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems will be holding an official launch event at Stockholm Water Week on Tuesday, August 28 at 5.30 pm at the IWMI-CGIAR booth. The event will be an informal opportunity to socialize and learn more about the program. In addition, you can learn more about the program through talking with the Program Director, Simon Cook, and other senior researchers.

The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems, one of CGIAR’s most ambitious research programs to date is a ten year commitment to bring about a radical transformation in the way land, water and natural systems are managed. It is one of the largest programs with 14 partners, including FAO and is being led by the International Water Management Institute, which has just been named this year’s Stockholm Water Prize Laureate.

Investment Scenario Modeling Tool

As part of this research, an investment tool was developed by scientists at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), which allows investors to compare the potential reach and income generation of smallholder agricultural water management investments across sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The analysis underlying the scenarios is based on an integrated modeling system that combines geographic (GIS) data analysis, biophysical and economic predictive modeling, and crop mix optimization tools.

The Agricultural Water Management Solutions Project (AWM Solutions) has identified a variety of small-holder agricultural water management interventions (AWM Regional Mapping ) that have a high potential to improve the food security and livelihoods of the rural poor in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The study results have now been made available online through the Investment Visualizer tool.