The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.
IWMI sessions:
Session |
Date |
Person |
Place |
CMIP6 climate scenarios for climate adaptation studies in Zambia |
Tue, 16 Apr |
Sahana Venkataswamy |
PICO spot 3 |
Geospatial suitability mapping for targeted vegetable production in fragile African regions |
Wed, 17 Apr |
Moctar Dembélé |
Room 0.94/95 |
Obtaining holistic solutions for wet extremes and flooding in the Awash basin, Ethiopia |
Wed, 17 Apr |
Meron Teferi Taye |
Hall A | A.6 |
Multiple competing securities and transitions impact future water resource solutions: the importance of integrated approaches to frame, investigate and build resilient water futures |
Thu, 18 Apr |
Rachael McDonnell |
Room 2.31 |
The Interplay between Land Use Changes and Hydrological Processes in the Upper Offin Basin of Ghana |
Thu, 18 Apr |
Seifu Tilahun |
PICO spot 3 | PICO3.4 |
HELPING science for solutions decade |
Thu, 18 Apr |
Moctar Dembélé |
Room 2.31 |
Advances in African hydrology and climate: monitoring, modelling, water management, food and water security |
Thu, 18 Apr |
Meron Teferi Taye
Moctar Dembélé |
PICO spot 3 |
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