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Monthly Archives: August 2011

Rfi.fr: Protect ecosystems for more food and water (French)

It will take two times the water present to feed 9 billion by landowners who live in 2050 if we do not change drastically...
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United Nations: Humans should protect the environment and water sources

Report from UNEP and IWMI calls for improvement of agricultural technology and better use of ecosystems.

French.news.cn: UNEP: food security through better management of ecosystems (French)

"This could prevent water shortages and help meet the increased demand for food by a world population expected to reach 9 billion by 2050,"...

Noticias.terra.com.co: Agricultural improvement, vital for food security, water: UN (Panish)

"Water management for food and ecosystems will bring great benefits, but there is no way to avoid the urgency of the situation," said David...

Afriquejet.com: Investing on ecosystem can boost food security

Food security - A new report by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and its partners said that investing in healthy ecosystems could boost food...

Finanza.repubblica.it: Investing in the ecosystems to save the world from hunger...

The new report supports the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), written in collaboration with the International Institute for Water Management (IWMI) and 19 other...

Sta.si: UN: We need better farming techniques and smarter use of...

Stockholm, 22 August (AFP) - Growth in population and increasing water scarcity will lead to nutritional Earth and Environmental rupture, which can only be...

Actu-environnement.com: Water resources: UNEP calls for integration of agriculture in agroecosystems...

With a growing world population and energy-intensive farming practices, the amount of water needed to supply world will increase by 70% to 90% by...

Aargauerzeitung.ch: UN calls for careful use of water (German)

In some regions with intensive agriculture are the boundaries of water supply is already "met or exceeded," it says in the report of the...

Ecoseed.org: Healthy ecosystem key to water availability, food security – UNEP

Backed by the International Water Management Institute, a non-profit organization focused on improving land and water resources management, the report was launched during the...