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Olifant River Basin, South Africas

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Basin fact sheet

Documents available

De Lange, D. MerreyJM.., LeviteH., And Svendsen M. (2003) Water Resources Planning and Management in the Olifants Basin of South Africa: Past, Present and Future - Chapter 10 of the IWMI Book on River Basin Management. Forthcoming

Krishna C. Prasad; Watson, M. 2003. An assessment of tradeoffs between water productivity and equity. Paper presented at the 11th SA National Hydrology Symposium, 3-5 September, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Krishna C. Prasad, Strzepek, Kenneth M. and  van Koppen Barbara. Addressing Socioeconomic Objectives through Enhanced Decision Support Systems for Water Resources Management: Vision, Gaps, and Challenges in South Africa.

Ladki, M.; Seshoka, J.; Faysse, N.; Lévite,H.; Van Koppen, B. 2004. Possible impacts of the transformation of water infrastructure on the productive water uses. The case of the Seokodibeng village in South Africa. Draft IWMI Working Paper.

Le Roy, E. 2005. A study of the development of water resources in the Olifants catchment, South Africa: Application of the WEAP model. Unpublished Master Thesis. Imperial College, London.

Lévite H, Sally H., Cour J. (2002) .Water demand management scenarios in a water-stressed basin in South Africa. Paper presented at the 3rd WARSFA/ Waternet Symposium; Dar es Salaam. October 2002

Lévite H. , Faysse N. and Ardorino F. (2003) Resolving water use conflicts through stakeholder participation: Issues and examples from the Steelpoort basin in South Africa. Paper submitted to the ICID (International Conference on Irrigation and Drainage) September 2003

Masiyandima M. Lévite H, Stimie C. 2000. Increasing the Productivity of Water at Basin Scale in the Olifants River Basin, South Africa. Paper presented at the 1 st WATERNET conference in Maputo , Mozambique.

Mc Cartney M. (2003) Technical Note: Hydrological Review of the Olifants River Catchment. IWMI internal note.

McCartney, M.P.; Yawson, D.; Huber-Lee, A. 2003. Simulating water resource development in the Olifants catchment, South Africa. Draft.

Raven, B.W. 2004.  Water Affairs in the Lower Blyde River: The role of DWAF in local water management. IWMI Working Paper B.W. April 2004, Wageningen University. [Maps]

Simplified Map of vegetation. Drawn by J. Cour (2002) after a shape file from WR90 (WRC)

Van Koppen , Meissner, Levite, Jha (2003) Overview Olifants Basin Development Trajectory _draft april 2003

Other documents

Map - Location of the basin in Southern Africa

Map: Altitudes in Olifants river basin (extracted form the Atlas)

Schulze R., (1997) South African Atlas of Agrohydrology and Climatology. University of Natal. South Africa. Introduction.

Map – Olifants Mean Annual Precipitation (and explanations)

Map - Evaporation 

Map - Frost days

Map – Olifants river basin. Main rivers. After DWAF Geomatics data set (2000)

Kite G. (2001) Modelling the Olifants basin with SLURP. Unpublished IWMI report.

Artan G A., Restrepo M., Asante K. Verdin J. A flood early warning system for Southern Africa. 2002. USGS, Raytheon, EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD, 57198 Article. Pecora 15/Land Satellite Information IV/ISPRS Commission I/FIEOS 2002 Conference Proceedings. With part of the simulation of floods 2000 in Olifants basin.

Ashton, J. (2000). Conceptual Overview of the Olifants River Basin’s Groundwater , South Africa. Water Issues Research Unit (AWIRU). Unpublished IWMI paper.

Hodgson, F.D.I.; Krantz, R.M. (1998) Groundwater Quality Deterioration in the Olifants River Catchment above the Loskop Dam with Specialized Investigations in the Witbank Dam Sub-Catchment. Report No. 2911/98 WRC

(summary only)

Klvechuk A. and Jenkins G P. (2003) Evaluation of the Olifants-Sand Water Transfer Scheme in the Northern Province of South Africa Cambridge Resources International Inc. (2003).

Lahiff E (1999) Land tenure on the Arabie-Olifants Irrigation Scheme. Nkhuzi Development Association and IWMI. South Africa working paper No. 2 Hard copie

Small H. Sa. And Stimie C M. (1999). Olifants River catchment study. An investigation into water use at the Arabie Olifants irrigation Scheme. ARC-Institute for Agricultural Engineering (ARC-ILI). Pretoria. IWMI South African Working Paper 4.

Mpahlele R. E., Malakalaka M.T. & Hedden-Durnkhorst B. (2000). Characteristics of smallholder Irrigation farming in South Africa: A case study of the Arabie-Olifants River Irrigation Scheme. IWMI South Africa working paper No. 3. Hard copy

Tren R And Schur M. (2000). Olifants river irrigation schemes: 1. Crop and irrigation data for four separate irrigation schemes: 2. Irrigation management structures for four separate irrigation schemes. Colombo, Sri Lanka. International Water Management Institute (IWMI) (South Africa working paper no. 5).

Kamara et al (2002) Smallholder Irrigation Water for Poverty AlleviationChallenges for Community-Based Management in South Africa The DfID-supported Project, ‘Achieving Sustainable Local Management of Irrigation Water in Water-Short Basins: South Africa Case Study. In DFID

Kamara, A, Van Koppen B, Magingxa L., 2001 . Economic viability of small-scale irrigation systems in the context of state withdrawal: the Arabie Scheme in the Northern Province of South Africa. Paper presented at the 2nd WARSFA/WaterNet Symposium: Integrated Water Resources Management: Theory, Practice, Cases; Cape Town, 30 – 31 October 2001

Wallgren O. (2000) Water Allocation in the Olifants River Basin, South Africa: an evaluation of policy options. Masters of Environmental Studies In Environment and Resource Studies Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2000

Stimie C.,Richters E. Thompson H., Perret S Matete M. Abdallah K. Kau J. Mulibana V.( 2001). Hydro-Institutional Mapping in the Steelpoort River Basin , South Africa. Working Paper 17. South Africa Working Paper No.6

Thompson H.,Stimie C.M.,Richters E.,And Perret S. (2001) Policies, Legislation and Organizations Related to Water in South Africa , with Special Reference to the Olifants River Basin, IMWI WP 18

Lévite H. , Sally H. (2001) Linkages between Productivity and Equitable Allocation of Water. Paper presented at the second Waternet conference. Cape Town,  2002

External Review on Institutional and Public participation process for the Olifants River Catchment Management Initiative. Local Consultant for International water Management Institute (IWMI), Saleim Fakir, April 2000.

Ligthelm M. (2000) Olifants water management area: catchment management agency establishment. Proceedings Loskop dam.

Abdul Kamara ,et al (IWMI). Economic viability of small-scale irrigation systems in the context of state withdrawal: The Arabie Scheme in the Northern Province of South Africa.

IWMI. Gender and irrigation in the area of the Mathabatha Tribal Authority

Wester P., Merrey D. And De Lange M. Boundaries of consent: Stakeholder representation in river basin management in Mexico and South Africa. World Development Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 797–812, 2003

Olifants River Forum. Former Olifants river forum website

Ardorino, F. (2002). Issues and conflicts about water management in South Africa. The example of the Steelpoort River Basin. Msc report. IWMI-Cemagref-Cirad-Cnearc.Draft

Lévite H., Cour J . (2002) UNESCO HELP presentation of Olifants river basin case study for UNESCO website