

Building refugee resilience in East Africa through reusing resources

This World Population Day, we explore how refugees can develop resilience with water.

TheConversation: Food security in Africa depends on rethinking outdated water law

A new study has found that outdated, colonial-era water permit systems across Africa are unintentionally criminalising millions of small farmers who can’t obtain permits. This undermines efforts to boost farming production and meet economic growth goals.

Bloomberg: U.S. Startup Plans Africa Expansion With Solar Watering Kits

Only about 5 percent of African agriculture is irrigated, according to the International Water Management Institute. In Tanzania, for example, the government says it has a 6.8 trillion-shilling ($3.1 billion) irrigation funding gap.

Allafrica Op-Ed piece captures the work of IWMI led GRIPP partnership

Allafrica recently published an Op-Ed which captures the work of the IWMI led Groundwater Solutions Initiative for Policy and Practice