Water’s role in boosting nutrition, health and food security
Developing business models that governments and the private sector take seriously, so that better use of water can lead to better nutrition, health and food security.
Press releases
Innovations and smart water technologies key to food systems transformation in Central Asia
Creating the food systems that people want & need across Central Asia will depend in part on how water is managed under climate uncertainty.
In the media Toward a hybrid approach to water law in Africa
The water rights of up to 100 million African farmers are threatened by laws rooted in colonial times, according to a recent study.
7th Africa Water Week
“Decolonizing” formal water law to pave the way for smallholder irrigation
In the media International Day of Rural Women
A new IWMI study conducted in Ethiopia with support from REACH, proposes a citizen science approach to community-based monitoring of groundwater that could both improve governance, while also empowering women.