Can solar pumps unlock Ghana’s irrigation potential?
New IWMI research indicates over 2 million hectares potentially suitable for solar photovoltaic (PV) pumping – and proposes sustainable business models for capturing the solar market opportunity.
How to grow nutritious food without over-extracting groundwater
It is important that our agriculture and electricity policies are geared towards the condition of groundwater resources.
Challenge winner moves forward with IoT to develop world first database
A network of solar irrigation pumps equipped with sensors that connect to the Internet will potentially provide a world first database of groundwater usage in sub-Saharan Africa.
In the media
StandardMedia: Smart solar pumps use big data to map water reservoirs
IWMI plans to use the data from Futurepump’s 4,000 pumps to calculate how much water is being extracted at any given time, which can help governments ensure it is used sustainably, with limits on extraction or a shift to less water-intensive crops.
Financing a farmer-led revolution in Africa
Farmer-led irrigation offers one of sub-Saharan Africa’s brightest prospects for defeating chronic hunger and making good on the promise of a more sustainable and resilient future.
The rise and fall of Onion Land?
Irrigation has proved profitable in Ethiopia, but unsustainable use could burst the bubble.
Priming the pump: motorized pumps improve prospects for Zambia’s smallholders
July 6 is the 2013 UN International Day of Co-operatives . The event seeks to encourage the growth and establishment of cooperatives and farmers’...