

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021

It is so important to harness the power of international cooperation to reduce risk and losses from disasters.

How a new framework can provide flood insurance guidance to millions of farmers

As climate change progresses, insuring millions of farmers against risk from weather shocks offers a means to support food security and reduce nations’ economic losses.

Mainstreaming technology provides key solutions for disaster risk mitigation

Scientists at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) were invited to contribute to a number of chapters in WWDR 2020, including chapter 4 (Water-related extremes and risk management).

Fine-tuning flood risk management

New rounds of pilot testing and post-flood recovery in India.

Business-Standard: World Bank interested in expanding satellite-based flood insurance scheme

After the success of the pilot project on Index-Based Flood Insurance (IBFI) for farmers in Bihar, the World Bank has shown interest in helping to scale up the plan across eastern India.

International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017

With index-based flood insurance the payout should be not only transparent but also much faster.

Maps that matter when flooding strikes

Vital support for the emergency disaster response in Northeast India and Nepal.

Press Release: Satellite based flood insurance product set to be launched in Bihar

Experts meet in Delhi to discuss a new initiative to "future-proof" livelihoods of one million smallholder farmers in South Asia

Press Release: Space technology to help develop flood insurance for India’s farmers

Experts meet in Patna to discuss new initiative that could “future‐proof” one million smallholders.