

Four ways IWMI is using water to advance climate adaptation and mitigation around the world

During COP26 and beyond, IWMI will continue to advance a wide range of water-focused climate solutions and develop a diverse set technical, policy, and financial tools.

How to grow nutritious food without over-extracting groundwater

It is important that our agriculture and electricity policies are geared towards the condition of groundwater resources.

Everything you need to know about water and migration

Often, migration is a development problem being solved by people using their own agency, and this should be better reflected in policy responses at all levels.

IndiaSpend.com: Even Without India’s Water Crisis, Doubling Farmers’ Income In 5 Years Impossible

Currently a senior fellow at the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in Anand, Shah helmed a pilot project in rural Gujarat that facilitated the creation of a farmers’ solar power cooperative.

Scroll.in: A call for “water-sensible” urbanization policies in India

An article in Scroll.in, an award-winning news portal in India, calls on state governments to devise “water-sensible urbanization policies” in partnership with the International Water Management Institute (IWMI).

Managing the monsoon

Holes in the ground can protect crops from flooding, so why don’t more Indian farmers use them?

Business-Standard.com: Gujarat govt mulls connecting farmers using solar powered pumps to grid

As on date nearly 4,000 solar water pumps have been distributed to the farmers and all these are off grid and farmers are using surplus power for other purpose at their farms. The idea of connecting it to the grid, according to state government sources, is to provide an additional source of income to farmers.

Payday for India’s first ever “sunshine farmer”

Scheme could protect water reserves, boost incomes and guard against climate change.