On DRR Day, Sri Lanka talks about inclusion saving lives
Building resilience to climate change and disasters requires bottom-up, community-led response.
In the media
Flooding – Stakeholders strengthen synergy
IWMI, hosting the workshop, highlighted the importance of flood forecasting and early warning systems in mitigating flood impacts, considering the growing global trend of intensified heavy rainfall events due to climate change.
How water can boost environmental health and biodiversity
As a result of IWMI’s work in the realms of e-flow monitoring and aquifer recharge, water management for rivers and aquifers has been strengthened.
Water’s Fundamental Truths: Part 3 – Is water governance coming of age?
Our planetary water systems involves not just tackling risks and building resilience for human societies, but also assuming greater responsibility towards the planet as a whole.
Press releases
News Release: Kenya’s Tana River Basin Could See a More than 40 Percent Increase in Rainfall Due to Climate Change
The good news is tempered with bad, however, as the study indicates that extreme climate events, especially flooding, will also increase.
International Day for Disaster Reduction 2017
With index-based flood insurance the payout should be not only transparent but also much faster.
Making hazards into opportunities
What to do about too much and too little water in northern Ghana.
Maps that matter when flooding strikes
Vital support for the emergency disaster response in Northeast India and Nepal.
South Asia’s climate hazard hotspots
Mapping risks and estimating impacts on people and agriculture
IWMI responds once again to extreme weather in Sri Lanka
IWMI provides satellite-based high-resolution maps of the affected regions to the DMC and military to assist with rescue missions and further assessments.
TropiLakes: views and opinions
The event included field visits to IWMI research sites under the LIVES project in Koga and ILSSI project Robit in the Amhara region of Northern Ethiopia.
Raising the stakes
Why fences, crop rotation and water storage mean one farmer is no longer losing the plot in Northern Ghana.