Waste not, want not
Recovery of safe and nutritious food from wholesale to consumer and safe redistribution for direct human consumption to reduce hunger and malnutrition.
Water’s role in poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs
CGIAR’s new ambitions are defined by a set of impact areas, with water – and therefore water systems science – at the heart of each.
Hi-tech support helps Sri Lanka’s farmers navigate the climate crisis
With access to accurate information, farmers can make informed and timely decisions about investing.
After the flush: How a project in Ghana is turning human waste into an economic resource
An IWMI-led project in Ghana aims to address issues with insufficient financing and lack of capacity by capturing value (‘CapVal’) from human waste in ways that support a circular economy.
Modernizing wastewater treatment in Sri Lanka
Working across South Asia to identify applied technologies and business models to sustain water and sanitation systems.
In the media
The new economy of excrement
Entrepreneurs are finding profits turning human waste into fertiliser, fuel and even food.
Press releases
Press Release: New compost plant to aid the greening of Ghana’s economy
Recycling waste and delivering a safe nutrient-rich fertilizer for food production
In the media
Bloomberg: U.S. Startup Plans Africa Expansion With Solar Watering Kits
Only about 5 percent of African agriculture is irrigated, according to the International Water Management Institute. In Tanzania, for example, the government says it has a 6.8 trillion-shilling ($3.1 billion) irrigation funding gap.
Managing water and fertilizer for sustainable agricultural intensification
This book is a timely contribution as it cuts across the water and fertilizer sectors and summarizes the state-of-the-art knowledge on plant nutrition and water management and the challenges we face in achieving the food security component of the Sustainable Development Goals.