

Bangladesh can avert a groundwater crisis by not producing too much rice

Bangladesh will need to be much more efficient in using water to avoid putting pressure on groundwater resources.

World Water Week 2014

Join IWMI and it's partners at World Water Week 2014 for a book launch, seminars and workshops as we present our latest research.

A new decision-support tool finds top spots for boosting livelihoods with water technologies

The Targeting AGwater Management Interventions (TAGMI) tool could support government planners to better target interventions at resource poor farmers in Africa. STOCKHOLM (3 SEPTEMBER...

Africa’s farmers get plugged in to water

New online tool helps smallholder water management The majority of farmers in Africa rely on rainwater for to produce their crops but suffer from...

Keeping their feet dry – Who should pay to uphold water infrastructure in Bangladesh?

A new study conducted under the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) and presented at Stockholm World Water Week this week suggests...

Hydropower Development and Livelihoods: A quest for a balanced approach through research and private sector cooperation

The International Hydropower Association World Congress is running this week in Sarawak, Malaysia on the theme of Advancing Sustainable Hydropower. Research by IWMI and...