Managing water and fertilizer for sustainable agricultural intensification
This book is a timely contribution as it cuts across the water and fertilizer sectors and summarizes the state-of-the-art knowledge on plant nutrition and water management and the challenges we face in achieving the food security component of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Press releases
Healthy ecosystems are the key to productive agriculture
New book urges fundamental re-think to unite farmers and conservationists for sustainable development.
STOCKHOLM (4 SEPTEMBER 2013) — We must prioritize the health of ecosystems...
Welcoming nature onto the farm
How to manage agroecosystems for sustainable food security
Stockholm, 4 September. It is now widely thought that the Earth’s population will peak at 9 billion...
Study of 10 river basins brings new perspective on water management
Instead of inevitable water and food crises, the politics of equitable and sustainable development of resources could make all the difference.