In the media
Agrilinks: Catalyzing farmer-led irrigation development in a changing climate
This blog identifies four key research areas to catalyze farmer-led irrigation at scale in a sustainable manner.
Water’s role in poverty reduction, livelihoods and jobs
CGIAR’s new ambitions are defined by a set of impact areas, with water – and therefore water systems science – at the heart of each.
How market knowledge is powering Africa’s solar irrigation sector
Data-driven tools are helping solar irrigation companies target their products and services to the right people, in the right way.
A new tool to help scale water innovations
Making innovative water management and irrigation technologies available to farmers on a massive scale is crucial if we are to meet growing food demands and mitigate climate change impacts.
Financing a farmer-led revolution in Africa
Farmer-led irrigation offers one of sub-Saharan Africa’s brightest prospects for defeating chronic hunger and making good on the promise of a more sustainable and resilient future.
In the media Final report on Tajikistan water users association impact evaluation
USAID commissioned the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) to examine the impact of USAID-supported WUAs created on sustained increases in resource productivity, food security and equity in southern Tajikistan.