Pedaling out of Poverty: Social Impact of a Manual Irrigation Technology in South Asia.
Shah, T.; Alam, M.; Kumar, M. D.; Nagar, R. K.; Singh, M. 2000. Pedaling out of poverty: Social impact of a manual irrigation technology in South Asia. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IWMI. vi, 36p. (IWMI Research Report 45) [doi: 10.3910/2009.054]
An assessment of the social impact of treadle pump technology for manual irrigation in eastern India, the Nepal Terai, and Bangladesh, South Asia’s so-called “poverty square.” Treadle pump technology can be a powerful tool for poverty reduction in this region. It “self-selects” the poor, and puts to productive use the region’s vast surplus family labor. It is claimed that the treadle pump could raise the annual net household income by US$100, on the average.
ISBN: 92-9090-421-6
ISSN 1026-0862