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The Fifth African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference
RUFORUM is pleased to announce the 5th African Higher Education Week to be held in Stellenbosch University and Spier Winery & Conference Centre, South Africa from 19-23 September, 2016. Over 700 participants representing Higher Education, Agricultural development, Civil Society and Private Sector are expected to attend.
The overall theme will be “Linking Universities with Private Sector, Governments and other Stakeholders in support of Agriculture Development in Africa”. We expect discussions along the following subthemes;
- Innovation for sustainable systems within value chains that improve smallholder incomes;
- Public private partnerships: a driver for higher education for market pathways and product uptake
- Building capacity for university research, outreach and community engagement: Integrating universities into national agricultural innovation systems
- Academic mobility, quality assurance and credit transfer across the continent: the game changers
For more information: http://development.ku.dk/newslist/usek-news/african-higher-education-week/