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International Workshop on Multiple Use Water Systems (MUS) for Climate Resilience: A Socio ‐ Technical Approach for Improved Community Water Governance


February 25, 2016 - February 26, 2016    
All Day


Kathmandu, Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal, Kathmandu

Agriculture‐based livelihoods of rural communities are heavily dependent on water and adequate water supply has a huge potential to reduce poverty and improve well‐being. Climatic variability and extremes have added new stress on water resources and new challenges for communities, public agencies and development agencies to design resilient water systems. Most traditional water systems have been used to meet multiple needs. In contrast, recent public or private systems have been designed according to a single sector and use. An increasing number of water professionals have acknowledged the advantages of planning for multiple uses from the design phase of the water system and developed the MUS approach. They have advocated the development of mechanisms to support governments in adopting and implementing MUS through participatory planning.


For more information: www.ircwash.org/sites/default/files/mus_workshop_flyer.pdf