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8th Asian Regional Conference of ICID


May 2, 2018 - May 4, 2018    
12:00 am


Hotel Yak & Yeti, Kathmandu, Nepal
Hotel Yak & Yeti, Kathmandu, Kathmandu

A majority of Asia’s population still lives in rural areas. It is likely that rural transformation and development will be a powerful engine of sustainable development and improving the resilience of rural households to cope with emerging challenges. Sharing experience from different parts of the world in various fronts such as policy, practice, technology, science, and awareness, will be instrumental in addressing various challenges related to food security in Asia and beyond.

In this context, like in other regions (like Europe, Africa and Pan-America), International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) is organizing Asian Regional Conference (ARC) since 2001. The 8TH ARC is scheduled to convene during 2-4 May 2018 in Kathmandu with the theme of “Irrigation in Support of an Evergreen Revolution”. Nepal National Committee of ICID (NENCID) will be hosting the event in collaboration with Department of Irrigation (DoI), the Government of Nepal and other partners.

IWMI, as an associate of the conference, is contributing to several sessions.


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More information is available at: http://8arc2018.org/