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2nd International Conference on Sustainable Water Management,Pune, Maharashtra


November 6, 2019 - November 8, 2019    
12:00 am


Hyatt Regency Hotel, Weikfield IT Park, Pune Nagar Road, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Weikfield IT Park, Pune Nagar Road, Pune, Maharashtra, Maharashtra

The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Water Management will be held in India from 6–8 November 2019 in Pune, Maharashtra. AWP is providing support to the conference as Country Partner and will be in attendance at the event.

The Conference will provide an interactive platform for brainstorming and sharing new ideas and case studies with respect to flood and drought management, hydrology, e-flows, inter-basin water transfers, climate change, intelligent decision support systems, storage projects, etc. to address the pressing issues of sustainable water resources management.

More information is available at: nhp.mowr.gov.in