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Ecosystem services and resilience

Compelling discussion, commentary, stories on agriculture within thriving ecosystems.

This post is part of the Agriculture and Ecosystems Blog’s month-long series on Resilience. The infographic was originally posted on Bioversity International.

How do ecosystem services contribute to agricultural productivity?

What agricultural practices can improve the delivery of ecosystem services?

This infographic by Bioversity International and the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems gives some examples.

Ecosystem Services and Resilience

Do you know any other ways that ecosystem services contribute to agriculture or vice versa? Share your knowledge and comments below.


Many 'low-impact' (i.e. diverse, not highly modified, low external inputs) farming systems in the developing world are extremely important for a wide range of threatened species (that can be a big ecotourism draw).

Highly recommend this paper by Wright et al:
Wright, Hugh L., Iain R. Lake, and Paul M. Dolman. "Agriculture—a key element for conservation in the developing world." Conservation Letters 5.1 (2012): 11-19.