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CPWF Mekong.

Behind the scenes with WLE film-maker Douglas Varchol

Compelling discussion, commentary, stories on agriculture within thriving ecosystems.

Douglas Varchol

Making films with scientists in remote locations is director Douglas Varchol’s speciality. For over a decade he has tramped through forests, forded rivers and waded through swamps to get  the images that can make complex science come alive. So he was a natural choice for the CGIAR Research Program on Water Land and Ecosystems team when they needed a film-maker to document their research. He spoke to IWMI’s James Clarke down the line from his base in Bangkok, about the experience and he was asked first whether he found making films about a research programme entitled “Water Land and Ecosystems” daunting…

View the videos here:

WLE Changing the Game

Water Maker in the Clouds

Chiefs of the Chinyanja Triangle