
Reducing carbon emissions through improved irrigation and groundwater management: a case study from Iran

Karimi, Poolad; Qureshi, Asad Sarwar; Bahramloo, R.; Molden, David. 2012. Reducing carbon emissions through improved irrigation and groundwater management: a case study from Iran. Agricultural Water Management, 108:52-60. (Special issue on "Irrigation efficiency and productivity: scales, systems and science" with contributions by IWMI authors). doi:

Costs and benefits of using wastewater for aquifer recharge

Qadir, Manzoor; Boelee, E.; Amerasinghe, Priyanie; Danso, G. 2015. Costs and benefits of using wastewater for aquifer recharge. In Drechsel, Pay; Qadir, Manzoor; Wichelns, D. (Eds.). Wastewater: economic asset in an urbanizing world. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer. pp.153-167.
