Burkina Faso

Analyse de textes legislatifs et reglementaires concernant la reforme du systeme de gestion des infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau potable en milieux rural et semi-urbain au Burkina Faso. In French

Banhoro, Y.; Debevec, Liza. 2020. Analyse de textes legislatifs et reglementaires concernant la reforme du systeme de gestion des infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau potable en milieux rural et semi-urbain au Burkina Faso. In French. [Analysis of legislative and regulatory texts concerning the reform of the management system of drinking water supply infrastructures in rural and semi-urban areas in Burkina Faso]. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI). 29p. (IWMI Working Paper 190 / Document de travail IWMI 190)

La difficile territorialisation de la gestion de l’eau au Burkina Faso: une lecture au filtre de la theorie de la proximite. In French

Torou, Bio Mohamadou; Debevec, Liza; Da, D. E. C. 2018. La difficile territorialisation de la gestion de l’eau au Burkina Faso: une lecture au filtre de la theorie de la proximite. In French. [Challenging territorialization of water management in Burkina Faso: analysis through the framework of proximity] Developpement Durable et Territoires, 9(1):1-20. doi: 10.4000/developpementdurable.12046

Economic valuation of ecosystem services from small-scale agricultural management interventions in Burkina Faso: a discrete choice experiment approach

Houessionon, P.; Fonta, W. M.; Bossa, A. Y.; Sanfo, S.; Thiombiano, N.; Zahonogo, P.; Yameogo, T. B.; Balana, Bedru. 2017. Economic valuation of ecosystem services from small-scale agricultural management interventions in Burkina Faso: a discrete choice experiment approach. Sustainability. 9(9):1-16.. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/9/1672/pdf. 10.3390/su9091672
