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Excellent summary of some key messages. IWMI is committed to a gender transformative approach which speaks directly to the Inspire Change theme of Women's Day 2014. Some of the above listed questions will be addressed by the WLE/ IWMI Four Basin Gender Profiles project which will deliver information (gender disaggregated data) and evidence (case studies). However, striving for greater representation of women in leadership will require a concerted effort from across the water sector to leverage political will and action to bring about both the sector specific and societal change required for gender equity leading to gender equality in leadership. As was evident at the conference, there are many highly intelligent, capable, qualified women in the sector. Together with the palpable ground swell of energy and commitment the time for change is nigh. The water sector now has the opportunity to take the lead and be a positive example to other sectors in international development by embracing the gender transformative agenda and increasing female leadership.